Tag: love & loss
Love & Loss 2025: Line-up & Tickets!
It’s official! The NOSTAGAIN Network proudly presents Love & Loss 2025: Nostalgia Symposium and Research Creation Showcase with 26 presenters and artists who will explore what the “love” and “loss” of nostalgia means for individuals, communities, and what this looks like for different fields. If you are joining us in-person, get your tickets here. *Limited…
CfP: Love and Loss 2025
The CfP has now closed and the organizing committee is reviewing all submissions. Please wait for a confirmation email by the 24th January, 2025. Near… Far… Wherever You Are… We invite you to the third symposium by THENOSTAGAINNETWORK called “LOVE & LOSS”. Paper presentations, performances, and research creation are welcome on the topic of nostalgia…