Exploring Generative Nostalgia Since 2022

The Spaces We Lost, and Nostalgia Recalled: A Workshop with Dr. Cristian Zaelzer

We collaborated with McGill-Concordia neuroscientist-artist Dr. Cristian Zaelzer, who led a research creation event involving members of the university and the public. Set also on a weekend, the March 18th event spanned from 1:00pm to 6:00pm; ending 2 hours after its original closing time. A total of 8 participants attended the research creation space, creating and conversing nostalgically on box dioramas that encouraged them to critically engage with how their rose-petalled or troubled memories are shaped by nostalgia.

Public Call 2023:

Are you finding yourself constantly busy?

To take a break, we are LOSTAGAIN in the spaces of our technologies, but we are never able to catch up with them. They are everywhere and can take us anywhere. In return for the space to nostalgize and remember, we have allowed the speed of connections and technologies to govern our lives.

According to Svetlana Boym (2001), this is chronophobia.
And it is the disease of this millenium.

Thankfully, Dr. Cristian Zaelzer, a neuroscientist-artist at Concordia University will help us explore solutions for chronophobia! Join us for an intimate, half-day, easy going workshop at the Milieux Institute’s writing room where we will nostalgize with our possessions, discuss stories about them, become mindful with the speed of everything, and materialize our memories into dioramas! Participants should bring a nostalgic object, ranging from:

• Game consoles or memorabilia;
• Minifigures, stuffed toys, action figures;
• Photographs, amulets, lockets;
• Ephemeral from childhood;
• …anything that you have a nostalgic connection with!

Interested participants should refer to our eventbrite.
For more information, please contact